Reducing Security Incidents - Business Playbooks Software - Automate Your Runbooks with Ease

Customer : Recruitment SaaS



  • The company was dealing with a relatively high frequency of security incidents which created risks towards protection of the intellectual property of the formulations in addition to increased operational expenses incurred on remedial actions.


  • To transition from a reactive approach to a long-term prevention focus necessitated a re-think of existing operational procedures.
  • The procedural changes needed several departments to establish a coordinated approach. This needed education and orientation towards security policies and procedures.
  • It was important to involve suppliers and OEMs as part of this initiative as external interfaces represented a significant vulnerability risk.

Above all, the entire initiative needed to be governed via a framework that ensured visibility and transparency of actions.

Data Points
Data Points

Data Points

  • At the start of the exercise, the baseline value was 4.8 incidents per 200,000 person-hours. 


  • Deployment of an integrated incident prevention playbooks
    • Playbooks spanning all departments were deployed for incident prevention and handling scenarios as well as for periodic procedural reviews and reporting.
    • The playbooks combined instructional content (via videos), tasks and approvals (via emails) to ensure clarity of action.
  • Inter-departmental & inter-organizational coordination
    • Playbooks incorporated tasks across functions (and 3rd party organizations) which allowed for an integrated approach.
    • Handover of tasks between functions which had sequential dependencies were designated as milestones (to be alerted on in case of delays).
  • Real-time visibility as opposed to out-of-date information
    • 360* view of data for analysis of cycle completion times along with identification of improvement opportunities.


  • The frequency of security incidents was lowered to 1.2 incidents per 200,000 person-hours (vs. 4.8 incidents earlier)
  • This represented a 75% reduction in frequency of security incidents over a 6-month period.
Playbooks for success

Standard processes, faster.

A leader in retail analytics achieved an 18% reduction in onboarding time by implementing Playbooks across multiple roles.

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