SmartKarrot Playbooks & Runbooks - Pricing



Upto 6 Users

An option for small teams to get tasks and playbooks organized.

Admin + 5 Users
Collaborative Playbooks + Tasks
Manual / XL User Creation
Limitation on # of Playbooks, Templates
Triggers - Manual & Date Based
Data Storage - 500 MB
Online Self Help

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7-200 users

To organize work for several teams, integrations with other tools, ability to add external teams.

Billed Annually. 20% more for monthly rates.
Unlimited Playbooks, Templates & Triggers
App Integrations available for Trigger automation
Custom Integrations (Prof Services/hr)
Portal for external users (Vendors, Clients)
Data Storage - 5 GB
Online Self Help + Email Support

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Greater than 200 users

Advanced Integrations, Triggers & Support

Everything in PRO+
Premium Support & CSM
Advanced Integrations (Prof Services/hr)
Custom Playbook Templates (Prof Services/hr)
Option of Private Cloud
White Labelled Portal
Option of SSO
Playbooks for success

Standard processes, faster.

A leader in retail analytics achieved an 18% reduction in onboarding time by implementing Playbooks across multiple roles.

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        See how SmartPlaybooks can help you drive operations at scale.