Customer Onboarding - Business Playbooks Software - Automate Your Runbooks with Ease

Customer : Recruitment SaaS



  • A recruitment SaaS company, was facing issues with high employee turnover in their customer implementation and onboarding teams causing loss of customer knowledge and a frustrating customer experience.


  • The onboarding was a two-step process - tool implementation followed by user onboarding - via trainings and go-live hand-holding & support.
  • The employee turnover needed frequent redeployment and re-training resulting in inefficient execution and high operating costs.
  • The process was offline, which also contributed to the development of knowledge silos which made remediation difficult.
  • Customers were getting blindsided by the frequent churn, and this resulted in poor experience.
Data Points
Data Points

Data Points

  • The onboarding took an avg of 4-6 weeks
  • Poor customer experience which manifested in low customer CSAT of approx. 41% Satisfied or Very Satisfied.


  • Deployment of an integrated onboarding playbook
    • A playbook spanning both implementation and onboarding tasks was deployed with sequential dependencies (between teams) outlined.
    • The playbooks contain explanatory information needed for the tasks including training videos to assist with rapid ramp-up.
    • Inclusion of important approval & sign-offs emails to assist with clarity
  • Centralized view of the onboarding process
    • 360* visibility of TAT of the process for all stakeholders.
    • Quick identification of customers that are running behind schedule
  • Increased operational efficiency
    • Transparency of status and inclusion of supplementary information prompt rapid ramp-ups and efficient transitions/hand-overs, resulting in reduced turnaround times and reduced resource dependency.


  • Reduced onboarding timeframes by approx. 35%.
  • Improved post onboarding CSAT Survey score by 27%.
Playbooks for success

Standard processes, faster.

A leader in retail analytics achieved an 18% reduction in onboarding time by implementing Playbooks across multiple roles.

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