Customer : Recruitment SaaS

- On July 1, 2024, Senate Bill 553 (SB 553), California's new Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Law, takes effect, introducing key enhancements in workplace safety regulations. The aggressive timelines are exacerbated by lack of official compliance tools.

- Although the compliance date is set (1st July, 2024), Cal-OSHA isn’t expected to release an official set of compliance tools till H2 2025.
- Each company location will have to develop and maintain a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP), which must be reviewed and revised annually.
- The list of compliance actions is long – conducting risk assessments, violence prevention actions, training, and ensuring employee involvement. Building all this from scratch is a burden.
- The process traditionally is largely offline – thereby impacting transparency with a poor audit trail and making analytics difficult.

Data Points
- Workplace fatalities due to violence and other injuries increased 11.6% to 849 (2022), compared to 761 (2021).
- Homicides accounted for 61.7% of these fatalities, with 524 deaths, an 8.9% increase from 2021.

SmartPlaybooks in conjunction with partner Avanulo developed and deployed a comprehensive yet customizable set of playbooks which covered
- Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification - assessments to identify potential hazards and vulnerabilities
- Policies and Procedures - for prevention, reporting, and response
- Employee Training - regular training sessions on recognizing and responding to incidents
- Emergency Response Plans - emergency response plans, evacuation procedures, and coordination with law enforcement.
Centralized view of the incidents & responses
- 360* view of how the WVPS framework is running.
- Ready data for analysis of response times along with identification of bottlenecks.
Automation of response tasks
- The moment an incident is logged, tasks are auto-assigned to appropriate roles for actions. This eliminates guesswork and provides clarity of action.

- 13% Reduction in “Days Away From Work” within 3 months of deployment.